
Showing posts from November, 2020

Sat 211120 Gambled at William Hill/Roulette: Lost £25.00

00:30 AM GAMBLED AT WILLIAM HILL/LOST £25.00 All the time, I been thinking about the urge to gamble...; until,  I felt I could stand it no more...; so, I signed into my William Hill online a/c.; and, saw the balance said £5.xx available. I deposited £10.00; to make the total £15.00 to play with. Sure enough, I went 'all in'...betting the whole £15.00 (numbers: 1-30 @ 0.50p each). The bet won...and, now, my balance said £18.xx. Only trouble was, then, I decided that winning just £3.00 was nowhere near enough; so, I decide to continue playing...placing the same bet, again. This time the Roulette wheel said: 0/which meant I lost £15.00...; thus, leaving me with just £3.00 balance left. I felt really angry and upset about loosing so much; thus, I decided to go chase after my losses by depositing a further £10.00; my balance now said: £13.xx. To go cut a long story short...I won, sometimes; but, mostly, I lost...and, eventually, had to quit from the Roulette table with a nil balance...

Sun 151120 Gambled at William Hill/Roulette: Lost £9.80p

151120 08:10 AM GMT GAMBLED AT WILLIAM HILL/ROULETTE: LOST £9.80p I decided to go to William Hill site...and, practice gambling on Roulette. My initial deposit was: £10.00. At first, my strategy was to bet on 10 numbers; to see what would happen, next; only after repeatedly loosing, again and again...and, having around half of my initial £10 deposit left: £5.xx.  I decided to switch strategy...and, revert to doing what is my favourite bet: 10p on 30 numbers: 1-30 = £3.00...this time it won; I think, I won that way 2 or 3 times in a row...then, it went and lost. After than I was struggling to win my money back...I believe my total said something like £2.40 left.  This time, I decided to do split bets of 10p on 4 squares at a time. The money went back up...; and, then, came back down...the usual Roller-Coaster ride; then, after another loss my balance said just £0.20p left; which is when I decided to quit...(as you are not allowed to make 20p bet...