Tue 170821 Gambled at Ladbrokes: Hi-Lo...Deposited and lost £10.00/Also, lost a further £20.00 on Roulette

170821 14:22 PM GMT BOTH DEPOSITED AND LOST £10.00 ON LADBROKES GAMES: HI-LO I decided to have a go at playing Ladbrokes Hi-Lo...; after going and depositing £10.00; first, I bet £1.00; and, it won. Then, I made another bet of £1.00; this time it lost. I made some more bets...; which also lost...before I knew it my balance said just £2.xx left...?! I then made one more bet...I think, Queen had come up, previous...so, I place it all on 'lower'...and, it lost as King came up, instead. Thus, in almost next to no time I had lost £10.00 just like that. -(NOTE: The same thing had happened to me about a fortnight ago. However, gambling 'addicts' never ever learn their lesson; instead, they just merely tell themselves...next time, it will win...!)- 15:57 PM DECIDED TO BET ANOTHER £15 + £5 = £20.00 THIS TIME PLAYING ROULETTE...ALSO, LOST It bothered me a lot to have lost £10.00, previously, during the day. So, when I saw a Ladbrokes email offering £10.00 bonus if you bet £10.00 ...