
Showing posts from September, 2023

Mon 250923 12:04 William Hill(slots)/Ladbrokes: FREE games: Lost £14.00/Won £6.00

PLAYING FREE GAMES AT BOTH WILLIAM HILLS/LADBROKES ----- WILLIAM HILL I decided to have a go at playing slots at William Hill. Because, I had played FREE games, and, won some money...; I can't recall exactly what the balance had said...but, it was under £2/3.00. Anyway, after doing the usual Roller-Coaster ride...up/down...I, eventually, ended up winning £20.00. Next, I thought to myself this is really easy...; so, rather than withdraw...why not see if I can make more...such as £25.00+. Well, my balance just went down and down and down...I was playing games at .20p/though, most at .10p spins, at a time. Next thing I knew my balance said just £6.00 left. I decided rather than go and lose it 'all'...might as well withdraw at that point...which is exactly what I did. ----- LADBROKES I also played FREE games at Ladbrokes...I believe I did 'Spin The Wheel'...and, it won something like .20p.    

Fri 020923 Won at William Hill...FREE bets..£4.99...withdrew the lot. Brought some shopping...

Recently, I won £4.99 at William Hill in FREE bets. I decided to withdraw everything; and, then, brought some shopping from West Norwood Iceland supermarket store: cookham slices/1 x Jamaican lamb patty/1 x cucumber.