Sat 270221 Gambled on William Hill Roulette deposited: £10/lost: 0.06p bal

SAT 270221 GAMBLED ON WILLIAM HILL ROULETTE DEPOSITED £10/LOST: 0.76p BAL I woke up with the feeling that I really, quite desperately, needed to gamble...! After checking my bank a/c. balance...I discovered there was £18.xx in there; so, I decided to deposit £10.00 into my William Hill a/c. I choose to play Roulette; and, for quite a while my betting was successful...£3.00 bet/30 x 0.10p on numbers 1-30... until when I decided to double my bet...; then, all of a sudden, 0 came up! Occasionally, I would toss in a few twin row betting...2 to 1/(no multiple of 3's); and, that was an 'up/down' result; though, mostly, it won. I continued betting...and, to go cut a long story short...eventually, my balance said just: 0.76p left. I made one final bet on Black Jack this time; and, it balance now said: £1.46. (5+6+Picture card = 21./The computer's own draw went 'bust'!) At that point, I felt totally disillusioned to have lost £10.00...; which, basically, made me...