Monday 070823 FREE bets, only...WilliamHill: Won: £1.42/Ladbrokes: Won: £0.10p...brought 10x1p bingo tickets
USED UP MY FREE BETS FOR THE DAY...AT LEAST, I WON/DIDN'T LOOSE ANY 'REAL' MONEY...HOWEVER, MY WINNINGS ARE REALLY 'SMALL'...?! Today, Monday, I decided to use up my FREE bets at both William Hill/Ladbrokes... I won: £1.42 at William Hill...and, transferred this balance over to my Poker a/c....which, currently, says: £1.58 balance. I won: £0.10p at Ladbrokes...; which I used to buy 10 x 0.01p bingo tickets. ----- CONCLUSION It's nice the feeling of waking up to get some FREE money to start off the day with. On the other hand, the FREE money is small...; especially, when compared with the thousands and thousands I went and lost over the years to the bookies...?! These small monies will never be able to replace that massive loss. It is also a huge 'temptation' to go and gamble more...; and, thus, end up spending more money on gambling...; when, really, I should be thinking more about saving, instead/or, just NOT gambling at all.