Wed 020823 Gambled at: William Hill/Lost £10.00 - Coral/Lost £5.00 - Ladbrokes: Dep: £5.00/Won £30.86.

Recently, I went and lost my wallet...; a replacement card arrived in through the post.

I decided to update my card details at WilliamHill by depositing £10.00 using the 'new' card details.

I bet at Roulette...and, initially, I was winning...changing £10.00 deposit...into becoming...£22.xx...more than 'doubled' my money.

Most unfortunately, I let myself get too greedy...thinking it's going to be my 'lucky day', I started betting high...doubling up/tripling up whenever my bet went and lost...before I knew it...£22.xx had become £12.xx...and, then, £0.74p. At that point, I found I had lost all further appetite to continue with doing any further gambling.

-(Man, I had entertained such high hopes...I owe to Pra Group...a debt of £210.00...and, therefore, was hoping that my previous £22.00 win...could be used to further reduce that debt down to become £190.00; however, it went and lost. So,...?! Now, I can't even pay anything towards that debt. So, be it...'never trust to gambling', I guess. This game is NOT called 'certainty'...instead, it's called 'gambling'...and, NOT for no reason at all...?!)-


I also deposited £5.00 at Coral. Again, I choose to play Roulette...going for high stakes...; in around 3 £5.00 was all gone...?! At first, it won...which further encouraged me to go bet, again...; but, sadly, that's when I hit a constant 'losing' streak.


I deposited £5.00 into my Ladbrook's a/c.; and, this time I decided to have a go at 'spin and win' game. I bet everything. Well, believe it or won...; and, my balance said: £11.26.

After loosing half of the £20.00 I went and deposited into 3 bookies, today...;  I think, it's time to just withdraw...; so, that in that way I don't end up loosing absolutely everything. On the other hand, Temptation is a truly terrible thing...?! All I want do is win back the other £10.00 I just went and lost. 

I surrendered to Temptation, I'm afraid...; but, at least, it won...; this time my balance said: £30.86; so, I'm now, £10.00 up on the £20.00 I had initially invested into going gambling, today. 


However, once more, the call of Temptation is strong to just keep on order to collect more winnings. I think, I'm going to have to resist...; maybe, by withdrawing the funds back into my current a/c.; and, then, 'waiting' for those funds to clear...; that should give me a 'cooling' off period...where my brain can 'think' a lot more carefully about what it is I'm doing.

Otherwise, I fear...I will loose all £30.86 winnings...because 'gambling madness' seems to have taken over my brain, all over again; the 'bigger' is the amount I gamble...then, the more and more I wish to gamble still by, constantly, 'raising' those stakes...; the wanting to go 'all in' almost utterly irresistible...; only until the point when I've gone and lost it 'all'.  

I did actually manage to resist the strong call of Temptation...and, withdrew all £30.86 back into my current a/.c. In addition to which, whilst waiting for the funds to clear, I made multiple payments to PraGroup -(£35+£15 Nat West/plus, £10.00 CashPlus loan)-l so, my PraGroup balance which, previously, said owing £210.00; now, says I owe them £150.00 due. (However, I still owe CashPlus loan card £500.00/and, that card is currently 'maxed' out!)

NOTE: It took around over 1 hour long...before the £30.86 winnings hit my Nat West current a/c.; but, hey, eventually, and, at last, it's arrived in there. ;-)


I decided to pay all of £30.00 winnings into PraGroup...; thus, leaving my Nat west current a/c. with a balance of just £0.86p/and, £120.00 balance still remaining to pay to PraGroup.

I have had to live with this PraGroup debt for years and years...I just simply cannot wait to get them off my back...when my a/c. is finally all clear. So, for me, today has been a good day...going from owing PraGroup £210.00, now, owing them £120.00 debt...which is much more manageable to have to deal with, in future.

I made some 3 further payments to PraGroup: £3.00 + £2.00 + £25.00; thus, bringing the total balance due down to reach £90.00. (Under £100.00 debt...I should be able to handle over time...; but, anymore that that is really difficult when you do find yourself being totally flat broke...?!)



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