210124 Gambled Roulette: WH/L Dep £5.00 into each a/c.; stakes total: £10.00/Returns: £45.xx

Deposited: £10.00/£5.00 into each separate a/c. William Hills/Ladbrokes.

Felt the gambling 'itch'...had to scratch it.

:: William Hill £5.00 investment...; lost everything almost instantly...?!

Played Roulette, in almost next to no time, the William Hill £5.00 bet lost...I had only 0.75p left...making me feel totally 'downhearted'...which is when I decided to quit. (Transferred the 0.75p into my WH Poker a/c., instead.)

:: Ladbrokes £5.00 investment....managed to double/triple/quadruple it.

Moved over to Ladbrokes Roulette..where, initially, I was able to almost double my money: £19.94...going back right down to £13.54...then, back up to £20.54/-etc.

(Nothing is 'certain' about gambling...; so, it's best when ahead...to just take the money and RUN...; before it's all 'too late...?!')

I can't believe it, I was just 0.06p off my goal of doubling my money to gain £20.00...when I had to watch all my money go back down...to reach £13.54...?!  

I made it up to reach £21.04; then, switched to betting on Lucky 8...numbers chosen for you...and, though, after 3 bets...my total went down by 0.80p (8 x 0.10p); eventually, it increased to become £23.44. At this point, I decided it's time for me to withdraw funds, and, go buy myself a Super Sized 18 inch 'Vegetarian Hot' pizza...which costs around £13.00; the £10.00 I had originally invested I managed to recover back...returning it straight back into my bank a/c.

-(Most unfortunately, I did not withdraw...but, kept on doing further gambling. Until one has deposited the money back into your own bank a/c.; then, whatever money remains 'in play' isn't really yours...; but, that all of that deposit4ed money is gambling house money, instead.)-

Currently, my balance says £28.14 I might just quit at that...winning something is far better than loosing everything! 


-(My mind keeps 'thinking' I need to get a round £30.00.)-

It's very difficult to 'quit' gambling...when you know it's possible to 'double/triple' your money or more...; and, especially so when you are 'winning'.

I told myself I would quit when I got £5.00 ahead; then, £10.00 ahead; next, £15.00 ahead; and, so on...; in short the gambler can 'never' ever wins enough money to go please themselves...; that's why they become 'addicts'...which is people who just can't stop...not until they've gone and lost absolutely 'everything'; and, therefore, can't 'afford' to bet, anymore.


-(NOTE: The number: '0', came up far more than I would like...at least, 12 times+...; plus, at least, 2 times...'twice' in a row?! Meaning, total loss at that point.)-

The way I played the game was 'slow'. Betting just 0.20p (2 x 10p) at a time. If it lost...; then, I immediately, doubled up, 0.40p. If it won...I went back to 0.20p stakes, again.

Consequently, it took me over 3/4 hours + long to win. I tried my best not to go in far  too highly...at the most, double up/triple up...; then, go back to 2 x 10p stake bets, again.


Gambling is a really hard game...

- When you bet far too 'high'...then, you really are 'gambling'...??? And, therefore, can easily lose absolutely everything altogether, at once...!!!

- When you bet 'small'...; then, you find yourself absolutely 'crawling' along to succeed; the wins are so incredibly small...as to be almost insignificant...not accumulating until after many multiple hours and hours. (This is bearing in mind, if you don't run into a really 'unlucky streak'...which can -almost instantly- wipe out 'all' of your small wins total.)

Just a moment ago, I was succeeding in winning £28.00+; and, now, my total says just £25.00. (Thus, proving...I have a serious problem with 'impatience'...; and, therefore, can't resist betting really 'high'...which is far higher than I really should...?! When one has been betting for 'long'...then, the impatience just simply grows and grows... Now, I made it back to reach: £28.24 by betting far too 'high'. It could just as easily have gone the other way...and, I  come away from the betting table with £0.00 balance...?!)

Screw this...I'm getting really tired...5 hours (5:00) playing at gambling non-stop. Going to quit. (£28.14 is ok winnings/recovered back my original £10.00 stake/and, won £18.14 going on top.)

I'm sorry I wasn't able to get a round figure such as £30.00...; but, that can be a very 'dangerous' form of chase...???!!! Far better to quit whilst you're still remaining on top.


Decided to switch play...choosing a different gambling strategy/tactics...

I went back to the Roulette table...and, won £40.xx. This time I didn't just bet on the first 2 columns...; but, instead, checked for patterns...

- red/black
- low 18 high > 18+
- even/odd
- rows than haven't come up, yet

...I tried to check that if the same pattern comes up anymore than 3/4 times in a row; then, just go for the opposite pattern. If it misses then just keep on 'doubling up' (all the time, taking extra care not to completely empty one's gambling bank roll ...?!).

Anyway, I withdrew £20.00 back into my bank balance.; so, that even if I were to lose all of the rest of the money...I would still have won 'double' that I invested 

which was £10.00.



 £ 30.00


I only had £2.50 left...; then, luckily, it won...; my balance said: £22.50. -(Phew...?!)-


3 x WITHDRAWALS (20+5+5=30)


£20.00 Wed 22 Jan 2025 00:40 AM GMT
£  5.00. Approx: 01:10 AM
£  5.00 Approx: 01:34 AM   

03:48 AM And, I'm still here gambling...; but, I'm feeling really tired...both my eyes just want to close. Whenever than point comes...it becomes far too easy to make mistakes.

My end balance for the day said just: £0.30p left.

(It kept on fluctuating between £20 and £5;
in the end I bet on Red...Black kept winning.)
I'm going to bed...time to rest both my eyes.

I am truly very sorry I didn't take the £20.00 when it was still available; but, that's the nature of the game, I guess...always 'up/down' unpredictable like crazy.


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