Ladbrokes Roulette: Invested £100.00/Lost £70.00/Recovered back £30.00 (in £5.00 withdrawals)


I'm afraid, that the downside of my my last wins -(when I'd won over 4 times what was my original investment of just £5.00)- was I became totally 'over-confident'...always, an extremely dangerous thing when it comes to doing any gambling; so, through having had that 'one' good experience, it did only serve to encourage me to gamble even far more.

Today, I played Roulette; but, instead of my usual 'limited' £5.00 deposit...I allowed myself to get completely carried away in 'blind hope'...and, went and deposited £100.00; but, I ended up coming away with just £30/meaning overall I lost £70.00. (That is so totally 'gut-wrenching' to me...because I could NOT afford to lose so much...?!)

At first, I was just gambling...and, the total was running around going all over the place...'up/down' just like a see saw...; that's when I remembered it's very important to withdraw funds, regularly; otherwise, one is not going to see absolutely 'any' money left...; not until when it's all completely gone...?! So, I started to withdraw £5.00 every few minutes...; which is how I was able to recover back £30.00. (Though, at that point, I had already gone and lost more than 1/2 of my total £100.00.)


One tends to quite falsely believe...that if I had invested £5.00...; and, managed to make £20.00 back; then, that must mean if I had invested more money...the same  exact thing would be, quite likely, to happen, again.

But, no, the truth is that gambling is an entirely 'random'...and, therefore, utterly 'unpredictable' game. One could have invested £5.00; and, then, manage to 'double' your money both very quickly and easily; then, when you next go and invest £ end up loosing it 'all'...?! This proves that there is nothing 'predictable' about gambling; it's just a completely crazy game...where you don't know exactly what the hell is going to happen, next...???!!!



I invested £100.00...with the high hopes that I could, at least, 'double' it...; indeed, if NOT more...???

But, as I can recall at no point in time...did the money go up...meaning increasing above £100.00...; instead, it just went, repeatedly, down, down, down...£97/87...

At first, for quite a few balance said £78.00...and, then, went back up to reach £97/98/99.00, again. So, I wasn't too scared when it hit the £70.00 mark...figuring it will still be possible to recover...if I give myself enough time and patience.

Then, at some point, the balance dipped way underneath £50.00; at this point, I became, well and truly, 'scared' that I could easily end up loosing it 'all'...(especially, if I ran into an 'unlucky' streak that just kept on going...)?! That's when I started to withdraw £5.00, regularly. But, of course, those withdrawals...took my total down to become £30/35.00...; then, I knew, I would have a really difficult time recovering back the £100.00 invested.

It's a weird thing the gambler's own mindset...; as when they are down...; they tend to see it as a 'challenge'...can I/or, can't I...??? So, in a way the greater the challenge is to succeed...rather than give up, completely...they find the more they 'want' to continue betting.

But, deep down inside...I already knew based on past experience(s)...that once my £100.00 had been halfed...then, it was extremely unlikely I would win it back, again. Yes, I might make/or, loose £10+/£10-...; but, very highly unlikely I would manage to recover it all.

When my total balance had hit something like £3.xx left...; then, that's when I felt such extreme 'disgust' in my own weak performance...that I just left the table altogether.

(I kept on thinking to myself...maybe, I should have chosen to play a different game, instead; such as Black Jack/or, Slot Machines/even, Poker/-etc.; and, not just chosen to stick with playing just 'one' sort of game; then, possibly, my chances of winning might have been more...; but, this is all dashed hopes based on having 20/20 vision, of course.)



I also made quite a few 'other' bets...mostly, on purely random games: Lottery/-etc. I have to 'wait' for those bet results to still come in...; though, these were all relatively 'small' bets consisting of around £0.10p each.

I should NOT bet on the lottery at it is very highly unlikely, indeed, that one will win. I know this from past history experience...where I made, quite literally, 100's of Lottery bets...English Lottery/Irish Lottery/American Lottery/German Lottery/French Lottery/-etc.; and, nothing ever won...not even 'one' single bet...?!
Nevertheless, it's very strongly 'tempting' to me knowing that even a £0.10p bet promises £2,000.00 winnings('if' you were to win...?!). For that reason, I just felt putting in £2.00 worth of lottery bets was, at least, well worth the effort.  (I made 'multiple' such bets...some £0.10p bets to run, repeatedly, lasting over 4 weeks long.)


LATEST UPDATE: Sun 26 Jan 2025 14:59 PM GMT Won £11.19p/Withdrew the lot.

When I next signed in to my Ladbrokes a/c. it said I had a total winnings left of: £11.19...all of which I, immediately, withdrew...rather than continue betting with the prospect of possibly loosing it all...? This was the result of me making loads of small: £0.10p bets...on various different selections: football/rugby/boxing/horses/dogs/-etc.

It also means of the £100.00 that I did originally invest...; I was able to recover back £30.00 in deliberate withdrawals of £5.00 per time + £11.00 winnings on top...; so, £41.00 was recovered back. However, I still lost more than half of my original investment 60% = £59.00; which being 'unemployed' is one hell of a lot!

Do I regret it, most undoubtedly, yes. On the other hand, I also realize that an 'addictive gambler' is, really quite inevitably, going to 'overspend' on gambling at some point in time. I wish I could 'stop' altogether...; but, that sort of thing is really easy to say; and, damned difficult to do...?! When the mind, everyday, keeps on 'thinking' about going gambling.


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