
100125 Gambled William Hill/Ladbrokes - lost £10.00

I gambled at both William Hill/Ladbrokes...depositing £5.00 in each separate account; thus, investing a total of £10.00 altogether. I played both Roulette/and, Poker (WH browser based); lost the whole damn lot. ----- NOTE: It was NOT a case of I just simply went and lost, lost, lost...; but, instead, the money went 'up and down' -the usual Roller-Coaster ride-; and, sometimes, I was winning almost £15.00 after having invested just £5.00. It was the usual trouble of just not knowing when to stop/and, also, betting bigger and bigger stakes which when it lost...ended up wiping out my balance, altogether. ----- Anyway, that's me having scratched my gambling itch. Hopefully, I won't get 'tempted' to do any further gambling, at least, for now. NOTE: The strong temptation to gamble does never ever leave me...; I could easily stay there all day/night long doing endless online gambling...and, think I had just died and gone up to sheer blue Heaven; I feel as if I'm in...

Tue 200424 Played FREE games at William Hill...won: £9.24

I decided to have a go at playing...FREE - - ...much to my surprise, I won especially well at William Hill one arm bandit 'virtual' machines; I won: £9.24. However, when I decided to continue playing when my FREE play was over with; then, I lost...and, my total said, £8.24; that's when I decided to not risk the win...just withdraw everything...before I end up loosing the whole lot...?! ----- Playing at ladbrokes I wasn't even  half so lucky...; there I won just 0.20p. But, then, again, winning something is better than losing, I guess. I just decided to let that money stay in that a/c. until when I can get to build the winnings up some more...enough to be able to withdraw...; as the minimum withdrawal is £5.00.

Mon 250923 12:04 William Hill(slots)/Ladbrokes: FREE games: Lost £14.00/Won £6.00

PLAYING FREE GAMES AT BOTH WILLIAM HILLS/LADBROKES ----- WILLIAM HILL I decided to have a go at playing slots at William Hill. Because, I had played FREE games, and, won some money...; I can't recall exactly what the balance had said...but, it was under £2/3.00. Anyway, after doing the usual Roller-Coaster ride...up/down...I, eventually, ended up winning £20.00. Next, I thought to myself this is really easy...; so, rather than withdraw...why not see if I can make more...such as £25.00+. Well, my balance just went down and down and down...I was playing games at .20p/though, most at .10p spins, at a time. Next thing I knew my balance said just £6.00 left. I decided rather than go and lose it 'all'...might as well withdraw at that point...which is exactly what I did. ----- LADBROKES I also played FREE games at Ladbrokes...I believe I did 'Spin The Wheel'...and, it won something like .20p.    

Fri 020923 Won at William Hill...FREE bets..£4.99...withdrew the lot. Brought some shopping...

Recently, I won £4.99 at William Hill in FREE bets. I decided to withdraw everything; and, then, brought some shopping from West Norwood Iceland supermarket store: cookham slices/1 x Jamaican lamb patty/1 x cucumber.

Monday 070823 FREE bets, only...WilliamHill: Won: £1.42/Ladbrokes: Won: £0.10p...brought 10x1p bingo tickets

USED UP MY FREE BETS FOR THE DAY...AT LEAST, I WON/DIDN'T LOOSE ANY 'REAL' MONEY...HOWEVER, MY WINNINGS ARE REALLY 'SMALL'...?! Today, Monday, I decided to use up my FREE bets at both William Hill/Ladbrokes... I won: £1.42 at William Hill...and, transferred this balance over to my Poker a/c....which, currently, says: £1.58 balance. I won: £0.10p at Ladbrokes...; which I used to buy 10 x 0.01p bingo tickets. ----- CONCLUSION It's nice the feeling of waking up to get some FREE money to start off the day with. On the other hand, the FREE money is small...; especially, when compared with the thousands and thousands I went and lost over the years to the bookies...?! These small monies will never be able to replace that massive loss. It is also a huge 'temptation' to go and gamble more...; and, thus, end up spending more money on gambling...; when, really, I should be thinking more about saving, instead/or, just NOT gambling at all.

Sun 060823 Won £3.00 in FREE bets at William Hill...; decided to withdraw everything...rather than play

 Of late, I made up my mind to go and check out both... - William Hill - Ladbrokes ...who allow you to play FREE 'spin the wheel' games every single day(as well as, other FREE games). Today, I won £3.00 playing 'spin the wheel'/which gave me 5 FREE jackpot spins...; however, rather than play with that money I'd won...; I decided to withdraw it all, instead; so, I can use it to buy some biscuits.    

Wed 020823 Gambled at: William Hill/Lost £10.00 - Coral/Lost £5.00 - Ladbrokes: Dep: £5.00/Won £30.86.

Recently, I went and lost my wallet...; a replacement card arrived in through the post. I decided to update my card details at WilliamHill by depositing £10.00 using the 'new' card details. I bet at Roulette...and, initially, I was winning...changing £10.00 deposit...into becoming...£22.xx...more than 'doubled' my money. Most unfortunately, I let myself get too greedy...thinking it's going to be my 'lucky day', I started betting high...doubling up/tripling up whenever my bet went and lost...before I knew it...£22.xx had become £12.xx...and, then, £0.74p. At that point, I found I had lost all further appetite to continue with doing any further gambling. -(Man, I had entertained such high hopes...I owe to Pra Group...a debt of £210.00...and, therefore, was hoping that my previous £22.00 win...could be used to further reduce that debt down to become £190.00; however, it went and lost. So,...?! Now, I can't even pay anything towards that debt. So, be it...