Wed 161220 Gambled at William Hill Roulette: Lost £50.00


First, I decided to go check out what my William Hill online a/c. balance said, answer: £5.00 CR.

Next, I deposited £10.00; thus, leaving me with a £15.00 balance.

I span the Roulette wheel only, once; having decided to go 'all in'...; and, sure enough, it lost; thus, leaving me with nil balance...?!

Feeling really mad at myself...for just having gone and 'wasted' £15.00; I started chasing after my depositing another £10.00; but, eventually, this too was lost.

In order to win back the £25.00 I'd just gone and lost. I decided to deposit £25.00.

The usual 'up/down' Roller coaster ride...sometimes, it won/sometimes, it lost; anyway, at one point in time my balance actually said: £66.60.

(NOTE: 3 x 6's...; the Devil's 'own' number!)

Of course, after having successfully recovered back all of my money which was lost just moments self-confidence increased...and, I started thinking 'winning is easy' just have to be willing enough to take the risk...? Too, with having £16.60 winnings to go on top of it all...; therefore, quite naturally, I was 'tempted' to go and gamble some more.

Unfortunately, I started loosing, balance halved going down to become £46.60...I had made a £30.00 bet...and, the number: '0' came up?! But, I was still able to win,, slowly, the money crawled back up; I made a series of £30.00 bets/which, repeatedly, won £6.00; eventually, my balance said: £60.60.

At that point, I decided to go 'all in', first, making a £30.00 bet on numbers 1-30 @ £1.00 each chips; then, 'doubling' it; thus, in all my bet came to £60.00. 

Well, sadly, the bet lost...number '33' came up, instead of numbers: '1-30'; thus, I left the Roulette table with just £0.60p remaining; not enough money to make any more bets.

If I include the winnings I had; then, I actually lost £66.00+...(just couldn't 'stop'...?!),



At some point, I was told that I had won £10.00 in golden chips; which, apparently, meant I could play up to £10.00 worth of chips; and, whatever money was won on top of those chips I could take; I went and bet the full £10.00; and, it lost! So, basically, I lost all of the so called 'golden chips'. 



Before making the series of William Hill withdrawals, today; my bank a/c. balance said: £50.xx, and, some pence.

After making 3 x withdrawals into William Hill of: £10.00/£10.00/£ £45.00; my current a/c. balance now says just £5.00 left.

I 'wish' I had gone and done some shopping with that money, instead; but, when I got to the front door...thinking about going shopping...; my thoughts turned to, "how about having a really 'quick' gamble before I leave"...big mistake!



I feel really very sorry for myself, indeed; that I decided to bet by going 'all in'; -(which is the only way to win any 'real' money which is worthwhile spending)-; if only I had set a betting 'limit' such as £10.00 maximum; then, I would have bet £5.00/to add to the £5.00 that was already in the William Hill a/c.; I would not have sorely missed loosing £ I do miss loosing all of £50.00!  

I feel both extremely miserable and depressed knowing that I've started of the day being in a 'bad mood'/as opposed to being in a 'good mood'...which is how the day had, originally, started; I was very much looking forwards to going out and doing some shopping; now, I'm thinking I might as well stay I don't have enough money left to be able to buy anything. 



The thing that 'scares' me the most about gambling is...; no matter how much you lose...whether it's £0.10p/£0.50p/£1/£5/£10/£50/£100/£500/£1000/£5000, -etc.; -(all of which amounts I have at some point it time gone and lost in the past)-; you still 'think' you will be able to win it all back on the very next bet...?!

That's when you know you've completely stepped over the line of 'living in reality' living in a world of totally 'addictive gambling'...where you only wish to continue doing gambling non-stop: 27/7/366!

Luckily, for me, right now...I don't have loads of money to go and gamble with; and, it is that truly most unfortunate situation which has stopped me from gambling 'big time', anymore.

Instead, I have to concentrate on paying all of the bills, first...; and, then, return back to doing any gambling, afterwards. Only when I've gone and paid all of the bills...; then, frankly, there isn't any money left to go gambling with/as whatever money that I have left over will need to be used to buy such necessities as food/drink/-etc.




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