Tue 130421 Gambled at William Hill: Dep £5.00/Lost, bal: £0.21p

I went and deposited £5.00 at William Hill...


...made the usual 30 x 0.10p = £3.00 bet in total.

Twice, it won...I believe the balance said: £6.21; then, I decided to 'double up' the £3.00 bet...to become: £6.00, instead; which is when it lost...and, I was left with just £0.21p balance.

My reaction is, sad, shock; boy, what a terrible waste of precious money! 

The trouble with gambling is...gambler's are dreamers, and, big time...so, they aren't really living in reality, anymore...but, instead, they let their dreams carry them away, totally, instead...BIG mistake!

In order to bet, safely -(not that there is anything such as a, truly, 'safe' bet?!)-; or, at least, as 'safely' as is possible...then, it's best to be low...; and, only bet with amounts that you can, actually, afford to lose.

Being 'unemployed'...and, having extremely low funds to go play with...therefore, I could NOT afford to lose that £5.00; and, so it feels like being a big 'hit' to my system.



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