Fri 070521 Gambled Roulette: Dep. £11.00/Won £56.00+/Lost: £56.00 bal - Lotteries


I decided to go sign in to my William Hill online a/c. just to find out what the current balance said; and, very much to my surprise, it said: £11.00 balance.

I next started to play Roulette. When I'd won £1.00...I thought of quitting whilst I'm still ahead; but, did not.

The reason why I didn't quit early...was I wanted to stay and see if I could, possibly, win some more money...

Later on, I found myself having won: £56.00+.


At that point, I decided to switch to playing a few Lottery games, instead. I brought, 0.01p tickets for 8 weeks...making a total of £0.64p spent(8 x 0.01p = 0.08p per week/8 weeks = 0.08p x 8 = £0.64p.)

I played multiple different lottery games...English/French/German/Polish/-etc. I believe in all, I must have invested around £15.00. in there; thus, leaving me with a £41.00 balance.

NOTE: I find it very highly interesting that although I went and played the lotteries for, at least, 8 weeks...; I never yet won absolutely anything...; no, not even 1 single penny, yet...?!





With £41.00 left inside of my William Hill a/c. I next decided to place a high bet of £31.00 (30 x £1.00 bets on all the numbers 1-30 out of 37 numbers altogether.) Unfortunately, number 31 came up...which meant I lost £30.00; thus, leaving me with just £11.00 remaining inside of the a/c.; which is the same amount that I had originally started playing with. At that point, I quit!


At the end of day, if all of the money I win...; I'm going to re-invest directly back into gambling...; then, that just simply means I never get to see any of that money won...; instead, only the bookies will get it all back.

I need to find some sort of counter-active strategy...such as withdraw £5.00 -(which is the minimum withdrawal amount allowed)- every 15 or so minutes; then, at least, I will get to see some 'real' money come back and hit my own bank a/c.

So long as my money remains inside of William Hill online a/c.; then, frankly, it's NOT my money, anymore; instead, it's all either win/lose...a sort of Monopoly money, if you will.



Most unfortunately, I decided to give gambling one more try for the day...; by betting the last £11.00 I had left in the a/c.; this time, playing Roulette. 

At first, I was winning...and, had won £20.00+; however, then, I made a big bet that lost...; and, before I knew it my balance said just: £0.56p left. Finally, I decided I'd had enough!

To tell you the truth, it very deeply bothers me...that I went and lost all of £56.00, today; when I could just as easily have withdrawn that amount...the help me deal with some of the bills/or, to even use to buy food/drink.

However, as with all 'addictive' really is a case of just NOT knowing exactly when to stop...? Especially, when you are caught up in either the sheer 'joy of winning'/or else, the total 'desperation' of losing, and, chasing after your losses really win something back; then, the last thing on your mind is to stop. You only stop when it's already far too late...?!


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