Sat 180323 Gambled: William Hill/Ladbrokes, Roulette...lost 2 x £5.00 = £10.00

Fri 1780323 A Direct Debit to TalkTalk phone/internet company had bounced; due to insufficient money being available inside of the a/c. In fact, I did go out to deposit the necessary funds before the cut off time which is, 2:30 PM...; but, as usual, I  got there 'late' leaving home at the very last minute which was 2 PM. So, next day, when I tried checking what was my account balance...I found that those funds I'd deposited did not go out; but, at least, it left me with a 'credit' balance inside of my opposed to a 'debit' balance. (NOTE: TalkTalk will, most probably, charge me an additional £10.00 for the DDR bouncing/and, the bank may elect to slap on charges, too...for trying to use money which wasn't available in the a/c...?!)


Sat 180323 I awoke, and, decided to go and explore doing some betting online; deposited £5.00 into both my William Hill/Ladbrokes a/c's. Then, I choose to play Roulette using both opening up 2 separate web browser windows; then, using [CTRL] + [TAB] to switch between each of these. Much to my surprise, I found I'd almost 'doubled' my money with both said £10.00 balance/and, the other one said £9.50. (I should have withdrawn everything at that point...; but, then, having 20/20 hindsight is always a wonderful thing.)

However, as is usual whenever I find I'm winning...I tend to let myself get completely carried away...with wanting to win more and more. So, instead, of withdrawing the funds straight back into my bank a/c. whilst I'm still ahead of the game...; I decided instead to switch strategy.

- First, the game I played was bet on the first 2 rows...(which are non multiples of 3). This gives me favourable odds of 2 rows being far more likely to win...with only 1 row being 0.

- Next, after very carefully studying the play, I noticed that there were no multiples of 3 having been thrown for around something like 6, quite naturally, I decided to switch my focus to betting on only just that same single row...(which are all multiples of 3); and, furthermore, each time I 'doubled' up: 20p, 40p, 80p, 1.60p, 3.20p, -etc.

Much to my surprise, I lost absolutely everything I had previously won/as well as, my original stake bet. My balance was far to low to be able to continue betting; so, therefore, I had to quit; and, this happened simultaneously on both bookies: William Hill/and, Ladbrokes.


At this particular point in time, I'm thinking should I go and deposit a further £5.00 into both William Hill/Ladbrokes; or, should I just go and buy some much needed 'food/drink', instead? So, that I can try again to win.

I'm hoping and praying...that I will have learned my lesson...if only for today, alone...; and, stop gambling; because, honestly, the time and effort just isn't worth it...; even, if you win -which, admittedly, is 'rare'-; then, because one has a total 'addiction' to gambling...; then, it's usually impossible to stop...; not until when all money is lost.



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