Ladbrokes Roulette: Invested £100.00/Lost £70.00/Recovered back £30.00 (in £5.00 withdrawals)
GREW TOO OVER-CONFIDENT ABOUT MY LAST WINNINGS...MAKING ME WANT GO BET EVEN MORE MONEY I'm afraid, that the downside of my my last wins -(when I'd won over 4 times what was my original investment of just £5.00)- was I became totally 'over-confident'...always, an extremely dangerous thing when it comes to doing any gambling; so, through having had that 'one' good experience, it did only serve to encourage me to gamble even far more. Today, I played Roulette; but, instead of my usual 'limited' £5.00 deposit...I allowed myself to get completely carried away in 'blind hope'...and, went and deposited £100.00; but, I ended up coming away with just £30/meaning overall I lost £70.00. (That is so totally 'gut-wrenching' to me...because I could NOT afford to lose so much...?!) At first, I was just gambling...and, the total was running around going all over the place...'up/down' just like a see saw...; that's when I remembered it's v...